Dyslexia Training

Strategies and interventions for the effective inclusion of learners with Dyslexia.  A day course for educators and/or support staff.

This fun, informative and effective workshop will provide each delegate with a deeper knowledge and understanding of the needs of a range of learners and provide the skills necessary to create appropriate interventions.

What to expect on the Course…

This course focuses on the understanding that despite the fact that learners with Dyslexia may find the acquisition of literacy skills challenging, they can still achieve their potential with the implementation of appropriate interventions. It will cover the following:


  • Guidance on clear communication skills, sensory considerations
  • How can the classroom practitioner ensure an Dyslexic friendly environment?
  • A simple and effective guide to adapting the classroom to meet the needs of learners with Dyslexia, whilst continuing to fully include their peers.
  • Identification strategies.
  • Communication issues and simple strategies to overcome them
  • General learning environment strategies (linked to sensory issues)
  • Using visual communication tools to aid social and emotional understanding: Differentiated – age and level appropriate ways of creating and presenting the best: quick, efficient and accurate Visual Interventions.
  • Effective strategies to enhance tracking and reading skills using readily available resources.
  • Making extra time meaningful (study, homework, revision, assessments etc.)
  • A range of structured, multisensory strategies/teaching and learning methods designed to improve literacy skills (including spelling) and general in class understanding.
  • Where next?  How phonic remediation and early interventions can make a substantial difference to learning.

Course Outcomes

This training is supported by a range of case studies and workshop activities during which each delegate will learn to:

  • Better understand the needs of learners with Dyslexia.
  • Create appropriate age and level appropriate visual, kinesthetic and phonetic interventions.
  • Effectively intervene to empower the learners to enhance their reading, spelling and writing skills.

Upcoming Dyslexia Training Courses Dates

Positive words from some of our delegates!

I wanted you to know that we achieved “Outstanding” for Pupil Welfare, safeguarding and behaviour and thank you for all the help you have given us. Your support has been overwhelming and has contributed to this fantastic result.

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